Tuesday, February 28, 2006

At McDonald's

Woman #1 (pointing to a sign behind the counter): "What does that mean, erin go bragh?"
Woman #2: I'm not sure, but I think it means "Eat at McDonald's."

-- Submitted by Will Z.

Seen on a sign downtown

Sign: If you can't read the text, type "AUDIO" and take a sound test instead.

--Submitted by Matt J.

Esteem Issues

Girl 1: I don't know what it is. I just don't think guys like me.
Girl 2: Sure they do. Why would you say that?
Girl 1: Maybe I just have self esteem issues.
Girl 2: No you don't. You just have to think better about yourself.

-- Submitted by Jake M.

1000 visitors!!!

After only two days, I've already reached my 1,000 visitor! Thanks guys. Hopefully those numbers will keep growing and this site will take off. I appreciate all the hits and would love to hear some rumblings from the city!


New Submission

Nursing Student 1: What is that?
Nursing Student 2: Yogurt, you want to try it?
Nursing Student 1: No, thanks, but why are you eating it with a fork?
Nursing Student 2: It makes it taste better.

-- Submitted by Ryan R.

Monday, February 27, 2006

At a local university office

Professor Woman: If there are any fetuses left then they can
have a fetus, too.

-- Submitted by Paul B.

Two men on the purple line

Man 1: I can't fucking believe it.
Man 2: That's pretty shitty. What are you going to do?
Man 1: I don't know. I mean, what would you do if you caught your fiance giving your son a blowjob??

Thanks to collegehumor for linking to this post!

Send submissions to ziggyk15@yahoo.com

The Sun-Times Salesman near Merchandise Mart

Newspaper Salesman: SUNTIMES! TRIBUNE! STREETWISE! Help a jack who ain't on crack! PAPERS HERE!

At Bennigan's on Michigan Ave.

Man: But I love you, you know that.
Woman: So you take me to Bennigan's? This is my Valentine's day dinner replacement?
Man: You know I don't believe in Valentine's day.
Woman: You didn't say that when you asked for your Valentine's day anal sex.
Capri Pants Girl: I can't believe we got all the way down here and I forgot the dry cleaning.
Dress Girl: At least we didn't get in the car.
Capri Pants Girl: True, and now I can put that blouse in.
Dressy Pants Guy: I should put these pants in too.
Dress Girl: Not while we're in the elevator!

– Elevator in an apartment building in Lakeview
From ipstenu blog

Overheard in Chicago

Hear something on the train, at work, or while walking down the street? Did you overhear a conversation that made your jaw drop? Share it with everyone. Email me at ziggyk15@yahoo.com and I'll post it ASAP!!!